Leave a letter of love ♥




Picture : Amuria
Vector Art by portfelia
Photoshop CS2 Brushes

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
8:48 PM

Today our school declared half day!!! x3

It's a good thing, isn't it? However, today i finally understood the meaning of 塞翁失马之福.

For those who dont know the meaning of the chim chinese words, it means "a good thing is not always a bad thing".

As you might suspect now, a list of good and bad things happened today.

Bad thing #1:
As i said, school ended at 10am today. So my friends and i went lan to high and chillax. After 3 games of dota ownage, the police came. WTF! Apparently somebody complained and sian, the police caught all ppl who are below 18.

Ending: Recorded down our names and told us off. -.-
One of my friends ran off (HUMJI BO LAN3) but the 4 other us stayed, cos we also bo pon school, bo play truant, scared wat...Police nia..............Keke

So after a bad thing, as the chinese idiom said, a good thing will come right?

Good thing #1:
157 came almost immediately when we reached the bus stop. So i reached jurong east very fast. YAY!

Oh no! After a good thing, bad thing come right? jialat...

Bad thing #2:
I got owned by "Twilight control", or as my opponent said. Yea...twilight control with no honest. FTW!

After losing to him one match, i sided in 2 shrink and owned his balls. YEA! Cos initially, my deck was modified to pace against BF/LL. Since the "Twilight control" deck revolves around fissure/smashing ground, burden of the mighty and thick dark and light monsters, the only G.B solution for me...is to beat them in terms of attack!

So 2 shrink shall do the trick!

-1 BOM
-1 E.Con

+2 Shrink

Initally, 3 BOM and 2 E.con is to prevent my opponent from dropping honest and kalut in damage step.

I was so glad that i left E.con at 1. It saved my ass against kycoo. That time i had no laquari...i thought gg since he's gonna remove my laquari and bestiari in my graveyard but then yea! I got E.con, murmillo, equeste and chariot in my hand.

2 ways:
1) Summon murmillo, set chariot. end turn. Then next turn his kycoo attack my murmillo, during damage step he chooses to activate his effect. I CHARIOT! :D

2) E.con kycoo to defense and use equeste to finish it.

Of course the 2nd way is better right! no damage taken also.

So now, a good thing is going to come right? since another bad thing came.

Good thing #2:
I sold my 2 D.prison (common) for $10 ea. YAY!
"I must learn how to scam people..."
Try as you may....but u keep getting scammed. How ah?

And i also learnt that my g.b deck is always pro...COS I PUT 3 GLADIAL PROVING GROUND.

Enter the Living Eden..